When Does My Puppy Become an Adult Dog?

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Is your puppy becoming an adult dog? It may be hard to tell. If you've had they since they was a young puppy, you'll remember the many changes they experienced: they teeth coming in, learning to play fetch, potty training and socialising.

But the older your pooch gets, the smaller and more subtle they developmental growth becomes. It's important for you, as the pet parent, to understand the changes occurring at every stage of puppy development so that you can keep up with they changing needs as they grows into an adult dog.

When Does a Puppy Become a Dog?

Your puppy won't reach maturity all at once. Like humans, dogs transition from baby to adult in stages, though the transition happens much more quickly for dogs.Adult dog nosing a puppy running outside.Here's what to look for as your puppy matures:

  • Sexual Maturity: Most dogs become sexually mature by 6 months when they're still in the puppy stage of development — both physically and emotionally. At this point, your pup's sex organs are fully developed, making them capable of reproducing. This is generally the best time to have your dog spayed or neutered in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies and adverse behaviours, such as roaming or marking.
  • Physical Maturity: Physically speaking, dogs are fully grown by the time they're 1 year old, although large breeds may keep growing until they're 2 years old. When your pup reaches physical maturity, they may still engage in puppy-like behaviours but they physical needs, including the number of calories they needs to consume and how much exercise they requires to stay healthy, become that of an adult dog.
  • Emotional Maturity: You'll know your dog has reached emotional maturity when they stops acting like a puppy or an adolescent and fully settles into the role of an adult dog. Typically, emotionally mature adults are less distractible, better at listening and obeying and have a calmer and more settled demeanour. The precise timing of this milestone differs but most dogs reach emotional maturity by their second birthday.

How to Handle Puppy Adolescence

In puppy development, the time between reaching sexual maturity and emotional maturity is akin to human adolescence. This can be a challenging stage — at times your pup's behaviour might remind you of that of a rebellious teenager. While not all adolescent puppies exhibit behaviour problems, it is extremely common. It's important to be patient, but firm and consistent when establishing boundaries and expectations for behaviour.

Meeting Your Growing Dog's Needs: Food, Care, Exercise & More

Though they may still have some emotional maturing left to do, your puppy's physical needs become those of a dog once they reaches physical maturity. Here's how you should expect to meet your growing dog's changing needs:

  • Adult Dog Food: Growing puppies burn through a lot of energy in a day and need specialised food that's high in protein, fat and calories in order to keep up. Once they're fully grown, though, they should switch to adult dog food that will meet their nutritional needs and prevent them from becoming overweight. In order to avoid tummy troubles, it's best to transition slowly over the space of a week, gradually reducing the amount of puppy food while adding in their new adult food.
  • Veterinary Care: Barring illness or injury, healthy adult dogs in their prime typically only need to visit a veterinarian once a year for an annual wellness check. For puppies, however, veterinarians will administer a series of vaccinations starting at six to eight weeks of age, ending with a final dose at 16 weeks, says the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

woman walks a beagle through the forest during autumn.

  • Exercise: An adult dog's exercise needs vary depending on size, breed, sex, age and health, says the ASPCA. Some small and miniature breeds can meet their exercise requirements by simply following you around the house and engaging in occasional play, while larger dogs tend to need at least 30 minutes a day of vigorous activity in order to stay calm and fit. Without the puppy-like urge to romp and explore, your adult pooch may need more structured forms of exercise such as going on walks, accompanying you on hikes or playing fetch in the backyard.
  • Dog Supplies: Depending on how big your dog becomes relative to they puppy size, you may need to invest in new supplies. In addition to a larger collar and lead, your grown pup may also need to upgrade to larger food and water dishes, a roomier bed, a larger crate or carrier and new toys that are both bigger and sturdier to withstand rougher play.

It can be bittersweet to watch your puppy becoming an adult — but as much fun as the first year can be, there are few things more rewarding for a pet parent than getting to know the personality of the dog your pup was destined to become. Meeting their changing needs will help set the stage for a loving relationship that will reward you both for years to come.

Contributor Bio

Jean Marie Bauhaus

Jean Marie Bauhaus

Jean Marie Bauhaus is a pet owner, pet blogger and novelist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she usually writes under the supervision of a lapful of furbabies.

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