Ring in the New Year with These Pet Resolutions
Find food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs
At the end of the calendar year, many people ring in the new year by creating a list of habits they'd like to start (or stop) doing to benefit their health and happiness. Why not include your pet in your New Year's resolutions, too?
Making pet resolutions is a great way to help you stick to your own list because who better than your dog to make sure you get out of bed for that early morning walk, or your cat to make sure you take that energising afternoon nap?
Here are some ways you and your pet can have a happy, healthy twelve months–and beyond!
Vowing to exercise tops many resolution lists, and it should for pets, too. Walking your dog (or cat) benefits them in many ways, such as aiding the digestive system and promoting agility. You're more likely to stick to an exercise regimen if you have a buddy. If jogging isn't your speed, leisurely walks are just as good. Stick to the pace that works best for you and your pet. Try out a new park, hiking trail, or city street. If your furry friend is indoors, get moving by chasing toys around the house or playing games like fetch or hide-and-seek. Create fun DIY cat toys to engage your cat and help improve their motor skills.
Eat Healthy
Making healthier food choices is another popular resolution and often falls off the list most easily. It's no secret that eating well is good for you, but don't forget about your pet and their nutrition. Avoid giving your cat or dog table scraps, a little goes a long way, and what may be a small snack for you could add up to an entire meal for your pet.
Before revamping your pet's food, consult with your veterinarian because different animals have different needs. Pets are creatures of habit and switching your cat's or dog's food may not always go smoothly. Be patient, just as you would with your own eating habits.
Relieve Stress
The act of petting your dog or cat can lower your stress level and blood pressure, but did you know that sometimes, just gazing at an animal can alleviate stress? "You don't even need to touch them. Just looking is enough," says Vetstreet. "Watching fish in an aquarium has the same effect." If you've ever felt a rush of love watching your cat curled up in their favourite spot, you know how powerful simply being around pets can be.
You can also incorporate mindfulness into your daily pet care routine. The next time your dog stops to smell the roses, instead of hurrying them along, take a deep breath, perform a sun salutation, and soak in a quiet moment of peace.
Meet New People (and Animals)
If you and your pet tend to be homebodies, add "make new friends" to your pet resolutions! Pets are a great way to expand your social network because you instantly have a bond with fellow animal lovers.
Need a boost to get out of the house? Start walking. As noted above, walking has many health benefits for you and your pet, but it's also great for your social life. An animal is a great conversation starter, even if you're just going down to the corner store for a coffee. You can also check with your local animal shelter to see if they hosts any fundraisers, such as dog walking events. You'll meet new people, your dog will love the opportunity to socialise, and you'll help support a worthy charity.
Learn Something New
The new year is a great time to commit yourself to learning something new; add your dog or cat to that resolution too. While you're committing time and effort to learning a new skill you can take time to help your pet learn a new trick or command. If you decide to take a class like photography, think about also signing up for a training course for your pet. Even if you have an older pet, it doesn't mean they can't learn new tricks. By making a commitment to help your pet learn something new, it will also help keep you motivated to stick with your new education.
New Year's resolutions are always easier to keep when you have a support system to keep you motivated. No one ever said that it had to be another human, including your dog or cat into your resolutions is a great way to help keep your eye on the prize that benefits both of you. Good luck with all of your New Year's resolutions this year, and every year to come.
Contributor Bio

Christine O'Brien
Christine O'Brien is a writer, mm and long-time pet parent whose two Russian Blue cats rule the house. Her work also appears in What to Expect Word of Mum, xoJane, Fit Pregnancy and Care.com, where she writes about pets and family life. Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien